lørdag 30. april 2016

Set the table

One of my passions is to decorate the dinner table for my guests. I think it is well inherited from my mother who loved to decorate her home when she was expecting guests. She began many days in advance and bought the flowers and tried with different types of glasses, cutlery and porcelain solutions before she reached the final result. And she kept on until late at night every time. And the result was always beautiful.

It was always very exciting to stand on the sidelines and watch guests step into our house and showered Mom with compliments for her creative works. I think I was bitten by creating bug already at that time! Many times I think that it's a pity I have not taken pictures of all my different creations over the years. You can imagine the pompous 80s with so many bells and whistles on the table that there was scarcely room for guests there :) 90s were not much better, but there are good memories from parties where we cleared everything away from the table to get room to dance there instead. It was good times with little or no concern at all :)

But now we live in a more enlightened and open world for better or worse. One could of course wish that everyone could get to the covered table with food and drink, but this is unfortunately not the world today. With a wish that more people could experience to sit around a table with family and friends, I continue my passion for gathering friends around my table. Wish you all a good weekend and take care of each other <3

tirsdag 19. april 2016

Chestnut styling

One of the most beautiful sign of spring on the farm is the pompous chestnut trees that are now in bud. I can barely afford to cut some branches and take into the house. But the temptation are greater than wisdom and I enjoy a large bouquet in my kitchen every year. This year I did some styling with them as well. When I still have cut it from the tree, I might as well make the most of it or what ?

fredag 15. april 2016

Morning frost !

An early beautiful spring morning in Starby when it can still be very cold

If you have the opportunity, it is wonderful to get out the early morning before anyone else is awake. Then you can really get to experience nature up close without any interference. And then it's also much easier to photograph and get the pictures you want. So, you should appreciate this wonderful time of year when everything starts to come to life after a long winter hibernation. This is the best season if you ask me!


fredag 8. april 2016


Spring is here and I love a walk in the woods with my pug

This quiet and peaceful forest in Angelholm is my favorite place. Here I can walk for hours and daydream and play with my dog. 

I also come here with my horses, and that is such a meditation for both me and the horses. It's a dream to get out and gallop in that perfect environment

See for your self ….

mandag 4. april 2016

The spring is here


The spring is finally here and we all are thrilled or what? 

I´ve just joined a online Lifestyle Photography Class and it´s so much fun and I ´ve learned a lot allready. This is a taste of our homework for this last two weeks. I struggle of cause with all the choices of my camera but I´m learning every day. I allways had my camera on auto, so it´s a big challenge to learn about manuell settings. If you are like me and wants to learn about Lifestyle Photography there are plenty good courses online. I´m follow Christina Greve´s class and it´s such a thrill. Check her out and join up for her next class if you like